None of them could have even narrated the dialogues, leave alone done the action sequences or the romantic scenes. Here is an young actor, who is light years ahead of the competition, especially the likes of Shahrukh Khan or Saif Ali Khan or Salman Khan. His body language, expressions, action, dialogue delivery just about everything is perfect. Not for a moment do you feel its Hrithik Roshan the superstar who was Krissh or the high-tech thief Aryan recently on screen.
Jodha akbar hrithik roshan movie#
The movie undoubtedly belongs to Hrithik Roshan. And the look that he gives after winning the battle to both his wife and his sister are a rare mixture of pride and well-deserved arrogance and his ability to forgive the man who has tried to kill him. The final fight – brilliantly done and Hrithik performs the action sequence with a lot of class.

Also, observe the scene where he complains to his surrogate mother how her real son has been doing all kinds of acts that do not befit being part of the royal family. Akbar practicing sword fighting baring his torso as Jodha watches him hiding behind a wall… Hrithik’s physique is perfectly captured, an absolute treat for the female audience and even for some of the male audience. The only opportunity a dancer of Hrithik’s stature has got in an historical but his grace is evident. Hrithik’s dance at the end of Khwaja Mere song as if he was immersed into the song, his expression and those eyes… I was awestruck.

To talk like the 15th century emperor and act like one is not easy as you do not have any precedents or any photographs to guide you. I truly felt that this was one of Hrithik’s best performances.

Akbar’s biggest challenge isn’t only about winning battles but also winning the heart of Jodha. Brief story – Jodha Akbar is a journey of true love of Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar (Hrithik Roshan), the great Mughal emperor with Jodha Bai (Aishwarya Rai), a Rajput princess and daughter of the King Bharmal of Amer.